Food factory machine controls

JBB Electrical manufacture control panels for new food factories and can replace controls / wiring of existing machines. We have over 25 years experience of food factory installations. We are used to both the electrical requirements and the harsh environmental conditions of food factories. We are also used to operating to the hygienic requirements of the industry.

We have used JBB Electrical several times and we will continue to do so as they provide us with everything we ask for at a high standard. They are keen to follow up their installations and make sure the work they have done is to the high standard we expect.

As we are a food production business they provide us with the flexibility required to suit our company needs - including working out of normal working hours and around our production patterns.

Dean McGovern
Engineering Dept Cranswick Foods PLC


Phone 01509 852573 and let us look after your electrics while you look after your business.

NIC EIC Approved Contractor Electrical Safety Register